Category Semester 2

Project 4 – Pitch for the future

In this project, I will conduct a multi-faceted exploration of my topic. And finally decided on a specific direction, using images to state my research topic. Brainstorm The direction I initially chose was urbanization. While brainstorming, I found that there…

Project 3 – Re-Mix Volume

This project is a teamwork project. Yuyan Luo, Zixin Wang, Shiyao Guo, Yang Liu and I were fortunate enough to be a temporary group. We are committed to promoting the results of our work in Project 2 as a whole…

Blog 1 – Cities and citizens

I chose Robin Clark’s paper Urban Archaeologies: Embodied Viewership in Recent Media Art to read. Because I am very interested in the relationship between people and cities. I think this article should be helpful to my design work. This article…