Category Semester 1

Blog 4 – Physical prototype

Hi! Nice to see you again! This is my physical prototype in project 3. I am happy to introduce you to my work process. It really took me a long time🙀 I watched some video to learn how to make…

Blog 3 – Sketch-note – Bill Verplank

Hello! Nice to see you again! This is my third blog. I watched Bill Verplank’s talk on Opening Keynote. This lecture taught me a lot about the principles and reasons of interaction design. During the lecture, Bill used Sketch-note’s recording…

Blog 2 – Face my own choice

This is my second blog. I summarize Donald Norman’s article The Future of Design with my understanding. Design is a craft that needs to be combined with other knowledge. Only when technology and problems are combined can design be transformed…

Blog 1

This is my first blog post. I watched the episode of Tracy Ma in the Nicer Tuesdays video series and the video introduction of Avatar Robot Cafe. The following are my three thoughts. Tracy mentioned in his speech that we…