Blog 4 – Project 4 Research reflection & Design challenges

Research reflection

I first conducted related research on digital heritage based on the initial design direction. After iterating on the research direction, I focused on the issues related to cyber violence.

  • At this stage, the definition of personal digital heritage is not yet complete. Based on the existing technology, it is difficult to cover the needs of different heritage categories of all mankind.
  • Internet uncivilized phenomenon poses the most serious threat to millennials.
  • The media’s public opinion orientation will affect the extreme decisions of other users. With the development of online media, every individual has a huge influence in communication. Every individual should also have a sense of content responsibility.
  • Everyone may unintentionally join a cyber violence against others. People should look at things comprehensively, rather than magnify shortcomings.
  • Filter bubbles have lower restrictions on people’s access to information, and people still have more choices.

Design challenges

Based on the results of my research, I think the design challenge that may be encountered in the future lies in finding the right form.

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My current plan is to use paper media to represent the network information structure. This form not only enables the audience to clearly feel the complexity of the network information structure, but also reflects the convenience of network media communication. It is a dialectical form of expression. This can leave the audience with an open understanding.

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However, it is difficult to express network problems in paper media. In the later period, I may switch my design ideas to campaign design.

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