Blog 1 – Cities and citizens

I chose Robin Clark’s paper Urban Archaeologies: Embodied Viewership in Recent Media Art to read. Because I am very interested in the relationship between people and cities. I think this article should be helpful to my design work.

This article mainly analyzes the multi-channel interactive video work Baltimore by three artists including Isaac Julien, the installation work Traffic Report by Matthew Buckingham, and the interactive work The iron city by Matthew Ritchie. By comparing these three works, the author analyzed the influence of the time element on the complex issues between the individual and the urban space in the works of art in the early 21st century.

Isaac, Julien. (2003) Three color photographs, 39 1/4 x 44 inches (left and right images); 39 1/4 x 49 1/4 inches (center image). Edition of 6. MP 13. Available at: (Accessed: 9 June, 2021).
Matthew Buckingham, Traffic Report, 2005. Courtesy of the artist and Murray Guy. Available at: (Accessed: 9 June, 2021).

Matthew Ritchie, The Iron City, 2007. Digital animation, audio, and motion tracking software, dimen- sions variable. Available at: (Accessed: 9 June, 2021).

I have also explored the relationship between residents and cities (I once created a work called Egg City to discuss the co-progressive relationship between citizens and the city). This article can open up more ideas for thinking about the relationship between cities and residents. I can think more deeply about how to pass my design from different dimensions. Such as the carrier function of the city, the use of non-linear elements, and the control of the balance between immersive and fragmented styles.

An important aspect of Sweetback is Van Peebles’ sampling and layering of sound elements to introduce associative, nonlinear elements to the narrative.

Clark, Robin(2010) ‘Urban Archaeologies: Embodied Viewership in Recent Media Art’, Visual Resources, 26: 1, 51 — 59

The three-channel version fills the viewer’s peripheral vision, confounding efforts to track all three channels simultaneously; the experience of the three-channel version is thus simultaneously immersive and fragmented.

Clark, Robin(2010) ‘Urban Archaeologies: Embodied Viewership in Recent Media Art’, Visual Resources, 26: 1, 51 — 59

Even though this is an article ten years ago, it still has great reference value for my current design work. Although some of these design ideas may seem simple in the current design environment, they are good starting points. I can make improvements based on the current social environment.

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