Blog 7 – PechaKucha review

Hi everyone, this is my seventh blog. ?OK, I admit, it’s really hard to put on a cheerful tone. In this blog, I will review PechaKucha on April 12.

It can be said that this time PechaKucha was quite a failure. The manuscript that has been prepared for a long time is not only not finished, but even the part that is said is not clearly stated. In general, because there is too much content to talk about, the content allocated on each page is too compact. In the tense atmosphere played on the scene, the compact content will of course become a burden of thought. After the time on one of the pages is exceeded, the following content will naturally not be able to keep up with the progress. It’s too late until the last page. I know that speaking too fast is actually hard to understand. So in terms of the performance of the speech alone, it has already failed.

In fact, at the beginning, I prepared a very long manuscript. When I found that such a long story could not be finished in 200 seconds, I tried my best to simplify the content as much as possible. This has caused the final speech draft to have been cut to the point where it is logically unreasonable. I think such steps should be unreasonable. When preparing PechaKucha next time, I should simplify my speech ideas from the very beginning, starting with the simplest structure. So is it possible to say that the focus of PechaKucha’s investigation is whether I can express my ideas in the shortest possible way, rather than telling as much of what I want to say in a limited time.

Next, I will reorganize the previous long article and combine what I have seen and heard to conduct a more in-depth research on my topic conscious consumption.

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