Project 3 – RAIN LATER


My weather app is called Claudy. The user group I chose is Key Stage 2 school children.

First of all, this is my PACT analysis. Most of my users are primary school students. Because they have begun to receive education, they have already had some problems with their eyesight, and they need to take protective measures. They usually go to school and leave school on their own. The biggest impact of the weather on them is that if they forget to bring an umbrella on a rainy day, they can only go home in the rain or wait for their parents to pick them up.

Because they are usually in class during school time, they cannot use the tablet to play games during class time. And during the break, if there is no urging from the parents, they may spend an entire afternoon on tablet games. This is not conducive to their health.

Children’s nature makes them like to act with friends. If there is a lovely and lively partner who can take over the urging of the parents, the effect will be better for the children.

In terms of content. If there is a competition-based ranking, children’s competitiveness can enable them to complete more tasks prompted in the app. Adding certain games and quizzes not only allows children to learn a wealth of knowledge, but also increases the stickiness between them and the app.

This is the first persona. The user is a girl named Anna. She has some mild procrastination. Always need her mother to urge her to do homework or outdoor exercise. She needs a cute and interesting app to remind her that it is sunny now when she is endlessly playing tablet games, and she should go outdoor activities with friends. This helps her strengthen her sense of time.

This is the second persona. The user is a boy named Xiao Ming. He is a bit introverted. Because his parents are very busy at work, he always takes care of himself and often stays at home alone with nothing to do. He needs an app that can help him make friends with other children, and remind him to bring an umbrella on rainy days. In this way, he can better learn to arrange time for study and rest according to the weather conditions.

This is an analysis of some competing products.

First of all, This is an app that combines pet grooming and weather forecasts in an interesting way. Users need to choose cats or dogs as their companions and unlock all kinds of outfits for them.

Some comments show that although this is an app for children over 4 years old, most users are still adults. Many people feel that this app is more about a game than a weather forecast. The reason is that its accuracy is low, which is far from the weather forecast that comes with the system. But its cute appearance has won a lot of praise.

This is a basic weather forecast app. The advantage is that it can freely change the style of the interface icons according to the user’s own preferences, making the simple and uninteresting weather forecast cute. The disadvantage is that too many optional styles make the app itself very unstable.

Because of the lack of interactive links. Almost all themes need to be paid for. Many users are dissatisfied. But the icon design is still satisfying.

This is an app designed for elementary school students with a large number of users on the AppStore. Its main function is to accompany primary school students to do homework at home. Some positive comments indicate that it can indeed help children complete their homework better. However, icons that are too small can cause accidental touches and are not conducive to children’s eyesight protection.

Final work

I want to design a single companion image. Distinguish each user’s partner through clothing and some simple expression changes. I think it might be a cloud. So I call it Claudy.

First of all, this is the opening page. In the middle is the image of the protagonist Claudy. The novice guide will be played when a new user enters the app. Now I will come to the site to guide the novice.

opening page

Slide up the screen page, first you need to choose an initial color for your Claudy. As I mentioned in the last show, Claudy will be the image of a cloud. I call such a cloud-shaped creature Claudy. There are a total of five initial colors to choose from, white, yellow, blue, green and purple. Usually, children will prefer brighter colors. After they complete the task, they can unlock more colors. Claudy’s nickname can be changed at the top of the screen. After choosing the color, you can choose an initial accessory for Claudy as a decoration, including glasses, hats, and hairpins. Similarly, you can also unlock new accessories from the task rewards.

choose an initial color for your Claudy

Next, users need to introduce themselves to Claudy. The user needs to enter the three information of nickname, age, and city. You can also upload an image as your avatar. The next step is to upload the user’s own course schedule. It can be automatically generated by taking a photo, or it can be manually modified.

introduce themselves to Claudy

Complete the above steps to complete the new user registration. You can now enter the main interface. From top to bottom on the left are the user’s location and real-time weather, friend list, Claudy’s wardrobe, medal wall and time. The following shows the weather conditions for the next 5 hours. From top to bottom on the right are the date and To do list. Claudy stood in the middle of the picture. Every morning he would hold a task card in his right hand. We will refer to this task card later. On the right is the diary, click on the diary to write a diary.

main interface

Users can enter the weekly weather by clicking on the weather conditions area below or sliding up the screen. Here you can view the weather information for the next week. Including the highest temperature and the lowest temperature. There will be a Claudy in a different outfit on the right. In this way, even if the user’s age is relatively low, they can roughly know whether the temperature of the day is high or low. In this way, users can arrange trips with friends or study at home according to the weather. Click Back to return to the main interface.

weekly weather

After clicking the To do list area, you will enter the To do list interface. Claudy will stay on the left side of the screen at this time. Users can add some today’s to-do items according to the actual situation. For example, reviewing English or drawing. Every time you complete a task, you can open a treasure chest. The reward in the treasure chest is usually Claudy’s new accessories, which mainly depends on the user’s luck. For the sake of preventing addiction, you can open up to three treasure chests a day. Click on the upper right corner to create a new content, and you can add arrangements for any future date. After clicking to complete the task, an experience value will be added to Claudy based on the attributes of the task. For example, after completing the painting task, Claudy will increase a patience value. If the user is too focused on doing the same type of activity, the bottom of the page will prompt the user to do some other activities, such as increasing exercise. The purpose of this is to increase the diversity of user activities and exercise the user’s ability to arrange time. Click Back to return to the main interface.

To do list

Click the friends button to enter the friends list interface. Here, the avatars and nicknames of all friends will be listed according to rank. Including the image and nickname of the friend’s Claudy. Click on your friend’s name to see the other’s medal wall. At the bottom is your avatar, name, and level. Click on your own avatar to enter the personal information setting interface. You can modify your name, age, birthday, location and profile picture. At the bottom, you can also change the theme color of the entire app according to personal preference. You can return to the buddy list interface by saving or returning. You can see that here is the same as the previous To do list, your own Claudy will continue to appear on the page, playing the role of accompanying users.

friends list

After returning to the main interface, click the wardrobe button to change accessories or change the nickname for Claudy. Including expressions, headwear, face decorations, shoes and props. Under each category, you can swipe left and right to view all options. After clicking Wear, there will be a check mark in the upper right corner of the corresponding option. The newly obtained option will have an N mark in the upper right corner to represent New. Unlocked options will be overlaid with a locked icon.


Still return to the main interface. Click the medal wall button to view all the honor medals of the user. Including basic mission medals, which can be obtained by completing a certain number of daily challenges or To do list missions, and increasing the length of Claudy. Different seasonal tasks will be set in different seasons. For example, if you complete a snowball fight on a snowy day, you can get a winter medal. The purpose of the Medal Wall is to arouse users’ fighting spirit, set goals for them, and be more motivated to continue to complete daily tasks.

medal wall

Now let’s introduce the daily challenges. The mission card will only appear in Claudy’s hand once a day, and the content is quite diverse and very random. If the weather of the day is very rare, it will be some climatic knowledge related to the weather conditions of the day, or it may be some scientific common sense or common sense of life. The content of the topic will be adjusted according to the user’s age to ensure that the appropriate age matches the appropriate topic, otherwise it will affect the user’s positive emotions. The purpose of this part is to enrich the knowledge of users. Satisfy their curiosity about the world.

daily challenges

In the diary, users can record their daily life in any way they like. At the top of the right is the calendar button, you can view the completed items today. Decorate the brush and color options below. Users can choose their favorite pen and color to write or draw. At the bottom is a sticker, you can directly select a sticker to paste in the diary. Therefore, the diary is not a traditional diary that can only write, users can keep a diary in the form of Sketchbook. This will be more interesting than a text diary.


After a detailed introduction, I told my partners about my design. The partners also made suggestions and comments on my work.

Everyone exchanged opinions on design work. I got the following two opinions:

  1. The location of the daily challenge button and the diary button on the homepage is not clear, and the user may not know whether this button can be clicked.
  2. The diary function can be further improved.

So I modified my prototype based on these comments. The positions of the daily challenge button and the diary button have been redesigned. Some functions in the diary have been expanded to make the experience more complete.

One comment

  1. But a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw outstanding pattern.

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