Blog 2 – Face my own choice

This is my second blog. I summarize Donald Norman’s article The Future of Design with my understanding.

The Future of Design: When you come to a fork in the road, take it
by Donald Norman

Design is a craft that needs to be combined with other knowledge. Only when technology and problems are combined can design be transformed from a craft into an ability to lead social change.

The designer’s responsibility is to convey complex principles to people in an easy-to-understand manner. This result is called interaction design.

The design is based on data and theoretical support. Unlike traditional craftsmanship, design serves people. In modern design activities, a design project is often completed through the cooperation of professionals in various fields. The completion of a project will go through repeated iterations and updates, constantly discovering and solving new problems, so as to better meet the real needs of users.

The core principle of people-centeredness is not eager to solve problems, evidence-based and action-oriented. Through patient research, analysis and observation, the goal of improving people’s quality of life is achieved.

For design professionals, HCD means taking a step forward in traditional craftsmanship and giving value to a beautiful appearance. This value lies in advancing the development of the world, not in a more beautiful appearance than ever.

The problems that traditional service design deals with are much simpler than the problems of various complex systems that exist in the world. This means that design education needs to be transformed into a people-oriented future design education. Only in this way can we be able to solve the complex problems of the world.

Design is a synthesis of all disciplines. It connects human beings with technology.

The future of design points to two paths as a craft and as a way of thinking. The designer was given the opportunity to try two paths at the same time. When design is a craft, people have more opportunities to exchange skills, get in touch with new crafts and use them in their own design work. When design is used as a way of thinking, design thinkers have the ability to lead and solve some complex problems, which is far more than artisan designers can do. However, relevant education is not perfect and popular at present.

Which way to choose is not the most important decision. The most important thing is to go down on the road of your choice. Because artisans and thinkers are indispensable. The two complement each other.

This is my summary. I look forward to seeing you in the next blog!

Related resource:
The Future of Design: When you come to a fork in the road, take it

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